In Jewish history the institution of kingship was far from simple. Kings were meant to be leaders, who not only mesmerized but led the nation through dark nights to brighter futures. More often than not, they were unsuccessful at this task.

The Bible records the lives of Israel’s kings and queens. Descriptions of their exploits are found in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, with additional references scattered throughout the canon. Stories of the resplendent and notorious kings of Israel span from the first kings Saul, David, and Solomon to King Zedekiah, the last king of Judea. We are also informed of the court intrigues of foreign kings such as Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzer and Ashasuerus. The monarchy in Israel comes to a close with the destruction of the first Temple but is revitalized in the Hasmonean period when Jewish sovereignty is reestablished.

In addition to kings, Jewish history holds the Queens of Israel in high regard. The exalted power of Her Royal Highness is seen as transformational. This magical power of queens and princesses explains their appeal. These women were enablers; working to build bridges. Because they themselves were open to change, they were able to expand vistas for others. They nobly spanned the great divides from place to place, from culture to culture, from religion to religion. They moved their constituencies from despair to hope, from fasting to feasting, from poverty to plenty.

As queens they took charge, yielding to change and moving from passivity to activity. Many a chapter of Jewish history points to the power of the queen and the mystery of majesty to turn the tide. Providentially, they were appointed and positioned in the right place at the right time. When asked the question “And who knows whether you have not come to dominion for a time like this? (Esther 4:14) these noble, courageous, and compassionate women answered in the affirmative by way of their determination and deeds.

Let’s consider some of the royal women of Jewish history and their ability to transform reality from what was into what ought to be.

Come along and meet these enchanted women who served as angels making dreams come true.

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A large and significant part in transforming through word and deed the destiny and leadership of the Jewish people period, Queen Helena, who started as a royal figure in Adiabene, overcame in her lifetime the challenges of widowhood, conversion and otherness to continue to reach out to help others in dire straits. Her quantum leap of faith to move to the land of Israel reflects women’s profound love of the land.

Learn more about Queen Helena of Adiabene

When you click on one of our Ladies in Waiting you will meet other women who share dimensions of Helena’s struggles and victories. We have used the term Ladies in Waiting to describe those who appear to be minor characters in biblical narrative, whereas in truth they are remarkable examples of enablers, shakers and movers. These women play a large and significant part in our history:

As you read about Queen Helena, you will be prompted to click on Ladies in Waiting for more information about each of these strong women. You can easily return to Queen Helena from any page.